Give Me A Love
Give me a love who will lie with me on green
amidst the silent sounds of forest, shadows veiling
and revealing, walls of trees, ceiling of azure sky,
Who will couple amidst the deer, lion, squirrels,
Along the river, in the clump, on the hill where
green is dominant mixed with a thousand shades of brown.
Who will lie unashamed, naked, among the ancient tree
Whose act of love urges the vines to grow, limbs of trees
extend, green fuses ignite,
Change the season to eternal spring.
Give me a love who will gently caress my phallus, mark
of me
Between careful fingers, delicate lips
And raise the serpent from his coil
To an ornament of bliss --
That will lie hidden in unknown places, lie amidst crowds,
lie any spot convenient
Making sorrowful Pan play the magic flute
Uniting the soul.
Give me a love both gentle yet bold
With powerful vices for thighs, full mountains for breasts,
Wide, round hips that complete the cycle.
Make her the boat, her vulva the vessel
That carries me to the other world
I can not reach.
Give me a love with exquisite sentiments,
Darting, sensuous eyes, quick smile
Who merges gentility with force, compassion with
Removing the pain from my head, sorrow from shoulders,
Unties the knots in my loin,
Who worships the phallus,
Freeing me to worship the womb
Give me a love who will lie with me on green.