
Wind of the same path? Sea of the same water?
In those days I wandered in the shrouded mists, 
    among the heather-laden, green, low-hanging
Wrapped as I was with less than a fur shirt,
I was not cold
And, when I descended
I came upon the gameboard vale, recognized the
    many familiar mansions, many ancient castles.

Wind of the same path? Sea of the same water?
When did the quest begin?
I knew the caers I had entered,
Vaguely knew their sequence, the progression
     danced long ago
That lead me to the immortal point.
I did not ask, I did not know.

Wind of the same path? Sea of the same water?
I have wandered endlessly since being cast out.
I did not ask, I did not know.
And when the fleeting moment's union ended
I stood in heather mists destined to do it
    all again.

Wind of the same path? Sea of the same water?
The endless longing, pothos longing, bittersweet
Leads me again on the fool's path.
Do I recognize the way?
Do I hear the wounded king?
This time I shall ask, this time I shall know.


Perceval sees the Grail Procession

Perceval sees the Grail Procession